Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time to blow your coat

Spring.  Time for the dogs to blow their coats.  Especially my Siberian Husky, Serenity.  It is a shame because in the Fall and Winter, Serenity has the most beautiful thick and soft hair.  All those layers of thick undercoat.  This explains why she can lay in the snow and sleep on the couch on the back porch during the winter.  However, as the weather warms up, the shedding begins.  It almost looks like winter wonderland in my house.  Dog hair everywhere.  Falling out.  I have sheets on furniture right now to keep the hair-tastrophy from spreading everywhere.  She is not allowed in the bedroom because of all the loose hair.  We have been brushing her several times a day.  Does she like it?  Of course not.  Serenity does not like being brushed.  She will sit for a while and unless we keep praising her, she runs out the dog door.  The picture to the left is an example of one day's worth of hair.  Only a few more days to go. 

1 comment:

  1. While walking Kahlan I have gotten asked do History's shed I say yes but only twice a year and I almost took her to the Vet. the first time she did it. Can I show people who ask me about Husky's your photo?
